Due to the personal AP with DD-WRT firmware has DDNS feature, I will choose the FreeDNS.afraid.org to register a free DDNS service for me.
How to do it?
Register FreeDNS and create an A record
To create an account on freedns.afraid.org and verify it by activating the received email, we will visit this Web page and click [ Mail Menu] link in left panel.
The signup page will show up. Please key in UserID and password next to click Login button
Click [ Subdomains ] link
Click Add a subdomain link
In the Add a new subdomain diaglog, select a type such as “A”, define a subdomain such as “dwlab”, pick one of the available domains such as “mooo.com(public)”, enter the current WAN IP of AP in the Destination field and leave TTL & Wildcard setting as the default next to click Save! button
So does that the new & free subdomain such as “dwlab.mooo.com” has already been added.
To manually set the DNS for the subdomain to the WAN IP of the AP, please Click [Dynamic DNS] –> Direct URL link
The explorer will be opened. Please select some string as follows mark and copy it to the system’s clip board.
Set up DDNS on AP (# 1)To log in to the DD-WRT AP, select “freedns.afraid.org” as the DDNS service, enter the User Name and Password that belong to the freedns.afraid.org account, enter the full suddomain such as “dwlab.mooo.com” + comma such as “,” + paste the unique udpate token in the Hostname field
So do that we can ping this subdomain now.
(# 1) dd-wrt Dynamic DNS