
2015年11月22日 星期日

Eclipse 4.5.1 --- How to install Eclipse 4.5.1 on Lubuntu 14.04

Since Eclipse Mars(4.5 or later) release, we have another choice to install Eclipse package on any platform. It is very simple and quick way to lead us to do it, not do a self-extracting compressed file. That is Eclipse Installer.

How to do it?

Download the Eclipse Installer from Eclipse Official WebSite and choose the right version for the platform.

Extract the download file next to launch the Installer "eclipse-inst" file by sudo or directly execution.

Select a package and click it that we want to install the Eclipse IDE for java EE Developers

Select the installation folder where we want Eclipse to be installed next to click INSTALL button.
If install it by normal account, the suggestion is the installation folder need to choose under the home directory of this account.

Click Accept Now button to accept the Eclipse Foundation Software user Agreement

The Installing process is running and will friendly tell us that it will be taking longer time.

Once the installation is complete and then we will click the LAUNCH button.

Select a workspace and enable check box about “Use his as the default and do not ask again” next to click OK button

So does that the Eclipse IDE function will be ready now.

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