
2010年9月25日 星期六

Sysprep cannot run on windows 7

Today I want to make a system drive with sysprep function in virtual machine. I get a error message as following:

I don't understand what happen because this tool is built on windows 7 system by default and its operation is very simple --- just click sysprep this execute file.
Next to select the Generalize to create the new SID for new machine.

After this issue happen, I search some articles by Google or  by Microsoft Official Web and find out someone experience. "The wmpnetwk.exe need to be killed on process before run sysprep application."

Really? It confuse me that Windows Media Player Network Sharing Service influence System Preparation. It will be different function on windows system, I think.

Due to I cannot resolve this problem now, it is not dangerous or harmful for me to try it in my thought. When I follow these words to do it, the magic result appear then. The sysprep can be running successfully!

Why? I don't know what's wrong although this problem is resolved. Maybe some DLL file conflict between sysprep and wmpnetwk so that the application is interrupted, I guess.
I don't know whether this method is right operation based on this problem. Maybe it will be proved depend on time or experience in the future!

2010年9月22日 星期三

No permission to change SQL configuration!

It is surprise to me after upgrading SQL Server Express Edition from 2008 to 2008 R2.
When I follow the official guide about SQL upgrade procedure step by step, I get the bad result that it is no permission to change SQL configuration.

What? The local administrator has no permission to change anything on SQL environment!
It should be default right to do this. Why get this error? Whether I cannot do this on the specific environment about booting from VHD?

Althogh I try to reinstall or repair method to fix this problem, but it still fail. Until I find out the article by Google and try it again, the finial problem is resolved.

The full steps is as the following expression:
1.download SQL Server 2008 R2 Express Edition from Microsoft Web site
2.Extract this file to Drive C belong to boot from VHD
3.Execute command to rebuild system database for Windows Authentication Mode (known as rebuild master)
for example:
Microsoft (R) SQL Server 2008 R2 Setup 10.50.1600.01Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
4.log on the local computer by administrator to realize whether has right to setting SQL configuration

BINGO! It is normal for me now.
I don't know what happen and why this problem is resolved because I am not SQL expert. I just know the previous issue disappear now.

Thank someone for me to post the good information on Internet. This is why I also post it on my Blogger for sharing knowledge.

By the way, I think it is very lucky because there is no any important data on SQL. If it is true, I don't know what happen after doing rebuild system database. Maybe I will lose the original permission or happen other issue!


好久沒有在中秋節當天戶外烤肉了,我想這是許多人心裡的想法. 原因為何?因為前兩年天公不作媒,剛好都遇到颱風來攪局,造成中秋節當天也下起雨來,間接也影響到大家烤肉的興致.
但今年就不同了,颱風在中秋節前幾天就來報到, 雖然沒有放到颱風假, 也暗示說中秋節天氣晴朗, 因為老一輩的長者常說:颱風過後隔天天氣一定會放晴的!

烤肉或吃肉我想不是大家想要做的事情,因為平常在家或外出就可以輕易享用到,而不須要等到假期. 最主要是哪種聚在一起談天說地的感覺,平日大家都忙得很,各自有各自的生活與工作環境,只有在特定日期, 如假日或婚喪喜慶的節日時,才有機會讓久許不見的親朋好友相聚在一起. 這時剛好可利用這個特殊的節慶,找個理由讓大家相聚,三五成群的圍起炭火烤肉,暫時拋開煩惱享受片刻的悠閒,這種感覺也是滿不錯的.

說那們多,那今年到底要不要烤肉? 當然要, 且昨天已經烤完了. (多有效率ㄚ!)
工作夥伴們大夥兒在前幾天就約要到同事家烤肉,原因是同事的家在郊外,人煙較稀少,所以才會有烤肉的場所. 否則在台北市寸土寸金的環境中,再加上目前環保意識高漲,除非有特定的烤肉場所(一般都是私人要收費),否則公家或免錢的地方鐵定少之又少.
本著"志在參加聯繫同事間的情感,而不是要貪圖口腹之慾",所以也找家人(老婆與小孩)一同參加同事間的活動. 雖然昨晚活動到今天凌晨12點多左右才結束,但大家還算是滿盡興的,至少讓小孩有機會參與或觀看烤肉做法. 因為據上次烤肉的時候,已經有多年之久.

中秋節為何要烤肉? 我想眾家說法紛紜, 有些人甚至認為這是醬油廠商想出來的廣告詞 "一家烤肉萬家香"(非廣告ㄡ!), 藉由媒體的放送,讓電視機面前的觀眾接受這想法,甚至實際行動, 之後才形成一股風潮廣為流行.
不管事實如何,如此的舉動讓中秋節更添加一些繽紛的色彩,讓人有過節的感覺. 不然只是單純的在家吃吃月餅,看看電視節目,這樣的生活多單調乏味.

只是這樣的活動看在"愛護地球,節能省碳"的環保人士眼中,這或許是一種破壞地球生態的行為. 唉! 真為難, 到底怎樣做才能夠兩全其美? 或許需要大家來動動腦筋!!!

2010年9月19日 星期日


但往往天不從人願,好幾次都是假日的時候來臨,如同這次凡比那颱風,原本氣象預估9/18星期六中午登陸, 沒想到提早在上午8:00就報到,如此一來颱風出海的時間也會提早在星期日傍晚, 暴風圈一定會在星期一早上離開台灣,所以星期一鐵定會上班, 沒有賺到一天颱風假.

果然不出所料,稍早已宣布台北縣/市明天上班上課,內心期盼頓時落空. 雖然內心早已知道這已經是成定局,但人性中難免會存有一股期待, 除非真的遇到或看到且確定無法挽回,否則這樣的期盼一定會存在人性中,這是無可避免的想法. 所謂 "不到黃河心不死", 我想就是這個道理.

大人都有這樣期待,更何況是小孩. 兒子從昨天就一直期盼星期一不用上學,可以在家休息一天,直到現在確定後, 還是有點不甘心. 但畢竟是小孩子, 一下子就能夠釋懷, 也就開始整理書包, 收起心情準備明天上學的書包. 至於我呢? 當然早就釋懷了, 目前只期盼明天上班路程順利, 希望馬路上的障礙物能儘早清除, 否則以現在的風勢, 鐵定又有哪些東西吹落在道路上, 那就會造成道路交通阻塞而上班就會遲到.

這時候,就滿慶幸自己擁有個溫暖的窩,讓家人遮風避雨,也慶幸自己能有份不需要在風雨中外出的職業,頓時覺得自己還滿幸福的. 對於在這樣危險的環境下還要外出工作的同胞們, 著實需要給予保佑與感謝.不管是否出於自願或因為生計而需要外出,對於要服務全國同胞,保護家園及排除障礙者,給予由衷的感謝;對於這些勤奮工作者,為台灣辛苦付出的同胞們,給予誠心的祈福,希望這颱風天一切順利平安.

在電視上看到南部地區豪雨成災, 當下就覺得很不捨. "難道還希望颱風多留一天嗎?",只為了想放颱風假, 卻不知結果會造成各地成災, 有這樣想法確實有點自私些. 最好是放颱風假卻沒有傳出任何災情, 我想這才是最好的結果.
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