In Windows 10 or Windows 8 platform, the serveral Microsoft Store Apps have built in that maybe encounter some isssue when execute the Sysprep tool.
The cause is that Sysprep has an additional provider that's added in Windows 10 and Windows 8 to clean Appx packages and to generalize the image.
If an all-user package that's provisioned into the image was manually deprovisioned from the image but not removed for a particular user, the provider will encounter an error while cleaning out this package during sysprep. The provider will also fail if an all-user package that's provisioned into the image was updated by one of the users on this reference computer.To resolve this issue, remove the package for the user who's running sysprep, and also remove the provisioning.
The steps is as follows:
1. Unplug the Internet connection to prevent Microsoft Store from updating apps
2. Run the Import-Module Appx on PowerShell cmdlet.
3. Run Import-Module Dism on PowerShell cmdlet.
Remove the package
4. Open SetupErr.log and notice the error entries
5. Run Get-AppxPackage -AllUser | Select-String
6. Run Remove-AppxPackage -Package
Remove the provisioning
7. Run Remove-AppxProvisionedPackage -Online -PackageName
So do that maybe can fix Sysprep fail.