
2012年6月2日 星期六

Install Microsoft Forefront TMG 2010 (part 1 of 3)

To install TMG 2010 as install the Microsoft Product --- mount the DVD next to trigger execution file automatically that the installation guidance will show up. It is very friendly window to explain or guide you about “Before You Start”, “Prepare and Install”, “Additional Options” scenario. In the moment, I have installed Windows Update with up to date into my Server. So I will follow up this flow --- first decide to run Preparation Tool next to Run Installation Wizard.

When click “Run Preparation Tool”, the Forefront TMG Preparation Tool wizard will show up.
ScreenHunter_02 May. 25 21.26Click “Next >” button
ScreenHunter_01 May. 28 11.43Enable “I accept the terms of the License Agreements” check box next to click “Next >” button
ScreenHunter_02 May. 28 11.43Select “Forefront TMG services and Management” option next to click “Next >” button
ScreenHunter_03 May. 28 11.43Enable “Launch Forefront TMG Installation Wizard” check box next to “Finish” button
ScreenHunter_04 May. 28 11.56So does that the Forefront TMG Enterprise Installation Wizard will show up automatically and click “Next >” button to go the next process.
ScreenHunter_01 May. 29 15.44(The above result is the same as execute executable file in TMG 2010 DVD again to select “Run Installation Wizard”.)
ScreenHunter_03 May. 25 21.27Select “I accept the terms in the license agreement” option next to click “Next >” button
ScreenHunter_02 May. 29 20.38Enter some information as User Name、Organization、Product Serial Number next to click “Next >” button
ScreenHunter_01 May. 30 18.25Select Installation path for Forefront TMG next to click “Next >” button
ScreenHunter_02 May. 30 18.31Click “Add…” button to specify the internal network address range
ScreenHunter_03 May. 30 19.19Click “Add Adapter…” button
ScreenHunter_04 May. 30 20.09Select one network adapter for Internal range next to click “OK” button
ScreenHunter_06 May. 30 20.27If the IP address ranges have already added into this network, please click “OK” button to return to the Define Internal Network windows.
ScreenHunter_01 May. 31 17.20So does that the Internal Network Address Ranges will show the defined value. If it is no any problem, click “Next >” button.
ScreenHunter_02 May. 31 17.21This windows just notify you the some Services will be restarted during the installation. Please directly ignore this message to click “Next >” button.
ScreenHunter_03 May. 31 17.21Click “Install” button to begin the installation.
ScreenHunter_04 May. 31 17.21The Installation Wizard is progressing now.
ScreenHunter_05 May. 31 17.51Click “Finish” button to exit the wizard. If you want to continue to do next action, please enable “Launch Forefront TMG Management when the wizard closes” check box.
ScreenHunter_06 May. 31 18.34Until now, we just install the initial software installation and basic internal selection. In next article, I will introduce the three steps --- Configure network settings, Configure system settings, Define deployment option.

2012年5月27日 星期日

老師,我錯了嗎 !?

一如往常瀏覽網路上今日新聞,無意間發現一則引我注意的事件:〝學生對老師飯菜吐口水〞的報導!在老師PO文的字句中 "自己也是人生父母養,身為導師的尊嚴,是否在一口又一口的飯被消滅", 那樣字裡行間充滿著 "心境無奈、教學失敗、自尊被踐踏與蹂躪"的意喻,真是令人覺得無言!

或許絕大部分人看了這則新聞,會覺得應該是小孩子不懂事、鬧著玩的心態一笑至之;或許有另類團體又有突發奇想的看法:小孩無罪、大人自己也該檢討的論述.  但不知若此事變成 〝老師對學生飯菜吐口水〞,大家的看法又是如何?


當然,老師們也像一個團體社群,也會有優、劣之區別;也是會有私心或分寸拿捏不準的時候,畢竟他們也都是人. 就如同現行社會,也有好人、壞人之別,但好、壞衡量的標準也是用人來判斷. 除非違反道德與法律上的行為才會有明確的區別,否則單純用事的對與錯來判斷,多少也會因人而異. 就如同政治上在解讀 "一國兩制 或 一個中國", 立場或觀念不同,所看的角度與論述也是不一樣的.但若能聽聽每個人的說法,多少論點也是滿認同的.


真擔憂我們的下一代,用名與利來評鑑與衡量一切,忽視我們最基本的倫理與道德,造成日後不可一世的性格. 或許這是未來普羅眾世所有人的想法, 以我們過去年代的思維來看待當今,多少有些落伍了吧!

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