After creating VM on Virtualbox and opening the existing VHD disk in process, it always reboot repeatedly when power on VM. For realizing what happen, I press F8 right-now after pass BIOS. So does that we can choose “Disable automatic restart on system failure” in the Advanced Boot Options.
不必問我是誰,我就像您一樣:僅是位平凡人,但卻想在人生旅途上留下生活的足跡! 哪怕是過程跌跌撞撞、經歷風風雨雨,只要有您的關注,就是我最大的欣慰與成就!!! 感謝您的蒞臨:) 下一個職涯十年信念:不到最後關頭,決不輕言放棄!!!
2012年4月28日 星期六
Virtualbox Blue Screen 0x0000007B
Recently, I study a article that it said someone successfully install VMWare and Virtualbox on the same computer. It is good news for me because I need Virtualbox to mount VHD from Hyper-V created. If it can do it, I don’t need to switch the different environment to select boot menu to either VMWAR or Hyper-V.
After creating VM on Virtualbox and opening the existing VHD disk in process, it always reboot repeatedly when power on VM. For realizing what happen, I press F8 right-now after pass BIOS. So does that we can choose “Disable automatic restart on system failure” in the Advanced Boot Options.
Of course, the result still fail but we can see the blue screen message now.
Based on error condition “0x0000007B” by Google, some information said maybe need to change the Virtualbox Storage Controller because it is set as SATA by default.
After change it from STA to IDE, the system can be normally boot now.
After creating VM on Virtualbox and opening the existing VHD disk in process, it always reboot repeatedly when power on VM. For realizing what happen, I press F8 right-now after pass BIOS. So does that we can choose “Disable automatic restart on system failure” in the Advanced Boot Options.
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