
2012年8月5日 星期日

Install Bing Desktop on Windows Server 2008 R2

The Bing Desktop attract me recently since install it on Windows 7. It can show a beautiful image on desktop screen each day and daily image is different.
Although Microsoft tell us it just can be installed on Windows 7
ScreenHunter_01 Aug. 05 22.12and it did cannot be installed on Windows Server 2008 R2 because get the error message
ScreenHunter_02 Aug. 05 22.16But I still want to try it so that begin to search the related information by Google.
What is the result?
Of course, Google is magic and I did get the method from good peoples' sharing.

How to do it?
Download BingDesktopSetup.exe from Microsoft and open it by compressed utility as Zip, PeaZip so that you will see BingDesk.msi extension file.
Extract it to one path next to open it by Microsoft Orca utility. (URL reference http://support.microsoft.com/kb/255905/en-us )
ScreenHunter_03 Aug. 05 22.20
In left pane of Orca Windows, please go to InstallUISequence so that OSVersionCheck will show on right pane. Right-Click OSVersionCheck next to click Drop Row in menu
ScreenHunter_04 Aug. 05 22.31Click OK button to remove this row permanently
ScreenHunter_05 Aug. 05 22.31So does that this row will disappear and save this file now.
ScreenHunter_06 Aug. 05 22.32Try to execute BingDesk.msi so that it will successfully be installed on Windows Server 2008 R2 now.
ScreenHunter_07 Aug. 05 22.41



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