
2012年5月17日 星期四

Computer cannot Log on AD by domain account

I don’t know when trust relationship has problem between DC and member server because I get a error message after keying in domain account.
ScreenHunter_05 May. 17 16.34Based on this error message, I search the related information by Google and try and error some method. Finally, the problem is resolved.

How to correct it?
Verify whether the value of servicePrincipleName of the computer exist or true!

Run ADSIEDIT.MSC and Right-Click the affected computer to select the property
ScreenHunter_06 May. 17 16.35In “Attribute Editor” tab, mark “servicePrincipalName” next to click “Edit” button
ScreenHunter_07 May. 17 17.03Add new value as “HOST/yourcomputername.yourdomainname” next to click “Add” button. (In our example, it is “HOST/vbhv-fs-01.dw.com”)
ScreenHunter_11 May. 17 17.08That is servicePrincipalName value = HOST/vbhv-fs-01.dw.com
ScreenHunter_13 May. 17 17.08Now I can log on in this workstation by domain account.
ScreenHunter_14 May. 17 17.09



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