But I find a question: If I duplicate ESX Server, I need to change some information as hostname, IP Address and so on. Of course, the certificate also need to be renewed after change the hostname.
Although I know how to change hostname and IP address on Linux platform as CentOS or Redhat, I don't know what procedure is right or how to do it?
At first, please using the editor as "vi /etc/vmware/esx.conf" to correct the parent disk parameter.
the original parameter
the cloned-link parameter
Next to correct hostname by "vi /etc/hosts"
the original parameter
the cloned-link parameter
And correct HOSTNAME or GAEWAY by "vi /etc/sysconfig/network"
the original parameter
the cloned-link parameter
Finally,please change ESX service console interface by the following command.
So do that you will see the service console is changed now.
After finishing the above steps, please reboot it and the ESX service console will be changed to the new Server or IP.
Please log on the console again by root for regenerating the new certificate.
After backing the original certificate by the following command
And regenerate the new certificate by this command --- "service mgmt-vmware restart",you will see the new certificate is created on screen.
When you reconnect with ESX by VMware vShpere Client and click "view certificate" button
you will see this certificate issue to ESX02.dw.com now.