
2012年10月13日 星期六

MailArchiva --- Install VirtualBox Guest Additions on CentOS 6.3 x64 (part 1)

Recently, I want to install MailArchiva software on Linux platform for testing replaced bad disk. I will use the virtualization and select the Virtualbox application because it is free on commercial environment. After installing CentOS 6.3 x64 version as Guest VM, I find out the file shared function is not working because the VirtualBox Guest Additions need to be installed on Guest VM.

How to install VirtualBox Guest Additions on CentOS 6.3 x64?At first, switch to yum repository for adding Virtualbox repository
ScreenHunter_01Install wget by yum if it never is installed
ScreenHunter_03Get Virtualbox repository
ScreenHunter_01In VirtualBox management, click Devices –> Install Guest Additions… in menu
ScreenHunter_02Make and mount VirtualBox Guest Additions device next to begin to install Guest Additions
ScreenHunter_05The installation result will fail and it give us some informationScreenHunter_06We also can look at /var/log/vboxadd-install.log in detail.
ScreenHunter_20Make sure it is the up-to-date kernel so that update Kernel next to reboot it (# 1)ScreenHunter_08Install the related packages as make, gcc, kernel, perl and so on.
ScreenHunter_17ScreenHunter_14ScreenHunter_21Add KERN_DIR environment variable
ScreenHunter_12Install Guest Additions again and the result is successful. (# 2)
ScreenHunter_26Reboot guest system so that the VirtualBox Guest Additions installation is ready now.

(#1) What version is before update Kernel
ScreenHunter_04       What version is after update Kernel
ScreenHunter_11(#2)  Due to never install GUI mode so that the window system drivers don’t need to be installed now.



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