
2011年12月22日 星期四

Remove/Create the Exchange Self-Singed Certificate

If you have a legal certificate for Exchange 2010 service as IIS/SMTP/POP/IMAP, you can remove the self-signed certificate from Server anytime and the service still be working fine always.

How to remove the self-signed certificate? It is very simple.
If you want to remove it from CAS, you just need to select this certificate next to click "remove" hyperlink in Exchange Management Console.
And Click "OK" button.

But,If I repent to do it,how to recreate the self-singed certificate? It is also very simple.
Let me show you how to recreate it after delete it.

In Exchange Poershell, execute a command "New-ExchagneCertificate"

You will see a new the self-singed certificate in this server now.



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