Install GNS3 Server from GitHub
Before the process begin, we have to install the GNS3 Server dependencies as follows by using the sudo apt-get install python3-dev python3-zmq python3-tornado python3-setuptools python3-netifaces command
- Python 3.3 or above
- aiohttp
- setuptools
- netifaces
- jsonschema
If we want the latest stable release, we should go change the branch to the latest non-"rc" tag using this button along the left side of the project header
Back on your Lubuntu 14.04, you can type
and follow it by pasting the address you copiedand download it by using the wget -O command
Unzip the file that you downloaded and move into the resulting directory by typing unzip and cd gns3-server-1.3.0 command
Now, we can install the gns3-server with the dependencies by typing sudo python3 install command
Install GNS3 GUI from GitHub
Before the process begin, we have to install the GNS3 GUI dependencies as follows by using the sudo apt-get install python3-dev python3-setuptools python3-pyqt4 command
- Python 3.3 or above
- Setuptools
- PyQt libraries
- Apache Libcloud library
- Requests library
- Paramiko library
After the above install, we will get the GNS3-gui version by visiting the GNS3/gns3-gui project's page on GitHub
If we want the latest stable release, we should go change the branch
to the latest non-"rc" tag using this button along the left side of the
project header
Back on your Lubuntu 14.04, you can type
and download it by using the wget -O command
and follow it by pasting the address you copiedand download it by using the wget -O command
Unzip the file that we downloaded and move into the resulting directory by typing unzip and cd gns3-gui-1.3.0 command
Now, we can install the gns3-gui with the dependencies by typing sudo python3 install command
Install Dynampis from GitHub
Before the process begin, we have to install the Dynampis dependencies as follows by using the sudo apt-get install libelf-dev uuid-dev libpcap0.8-dev cmake command
Unzip the file that we downloaded and move into the resulting directory by typing unzip and cd dynampis-0.2.14 command
Due to Dynamips now uses the CMake build system, we have to generate the Makefiles required for compiling Dynamips by typing mkdir build and cd build and cmake .. command
Now, we can build and install Dynamips by typing make prefix=/usr/local all and sudo make prefix=/usr/local install command
Finally, provide network support for IOU by typing the sudo setcap cap_net_admin,cap_net_raw=ep /usr/local/bin/dynamips command
Install IOUYAP from GitHub
Before the process begin, we have to install the IOU dependencies as follows
$ sudo apt-get install libssl1.0.0:i386
$ sudo ln -s /lib/i386-linux-gnu/ /lib/
$ sudo apt-get install gcc flex bison git
$ git clone
$ cd iniparser
$ sudo make
$ sudo cp libiniparser.* /usr/lib/
$ sudo cp src/iniparser.h /usr/local/include
$ sudo cp src/dictionary.h /usr/local/include
After the above install, we will get the IOUYAP version by visiting the GNS3/iouyap project's page on GitHub
Due to IOUYAP Makefiles exist, we can directly install IOUYAP by typing sudo make prefix=/usr/local install command
Finally, copy it to /usr/local/bin by using the sudo cp iouyap /usr/local/bin command and then provide network support for IOU by typing the sudo setcap cap_net_admin,cap_net_raw=ep /usr/local/bin/iouyap command.
Install VPCS from GitHub (# 1)
For virtual PC connections to the Routers and switches, we need to install Simple Virtual PC Simulator.
At first, we will get the VPCS version by visiting the GNS3/vpcs project's page on GitHub
In the future, how to upgrade to a new version? example for gns3-gui
Before the process begin, we have to install the Dynampis dependencies as follows by using the sudo apt-get install libelf-dev uuid-dev libpcap0.8-dev cmake command
- libelf-dev
- uuid-dev
- libpcap0.8-dev
If we want the latest stable release, we should go change the branch to the latest non-"rc" tag using this button along the left side of the project header
Back on your Lubuntu 14.04, you can type
and download it by using the wget -O command
and follow it by pasting the address you copiedand download it by using the wget -O command
Unzip the file that we downloaded and move into the resulting directory by typing unzip and cd dynampis-0.2.14 command
Due to Dynamips now uses the CMake build system, we have to generate the Makefiles required for compiling Dynamips by typing mkdir build and cd build and cmake .. command
Now, we can build and install Dynamips by typing make prefix=/usr/local all and sudo make prefix=/usr/local install command
Install IOUYAP from GitHub
Before the process begin, we have to install the IOU dependencies as follows
$ sudo apt-get install libssl1.0.0:i386
$ sudo ln -s /lib/i386-linux-gnu/ /lib/
$ sudo apt-get install gcc flex bison git
$ git clone
$ cd iniparser
$ sudo make
$ sudo cp libiniparser.* /usr/lib/
$ sudo cp src/iniparser.h /usr/local/include
$ sudo cp src/dictionary.h /usr/local/include
After the above install, we will get the IOUYAP version by visiting the GNS3/iouyap project's page on GitHub
and only choose the non-"rc" tag using this button along the left side of the project header
Back on your Lubuntu 14.04, you can type
and download it by using the wget -O command
and follow it by pasting the address you copiedand download it by using the wget -O command
Unzip the file that we downloaded and move into the resulting directory by typing unzip and cd iouyap-0.95 command
Due to IOUYAP Makefiles exist, we can directly install IOUYAP by typing sudo make prefix=/usr/local install command
Finally, copy it to /usr/local/bin by using the sudo cp iouyap /usr/local/bin command and then provide network support for IOU by typing the sudo setcap cap_net_admin,cap_net_raw=ep /usr/local/bin/iouyap command.
For virtual PC connections to the Routers and switches, we need to install Simple Virtual PC Simulator.
At first, we will get the VPCS version by visiting the GNS3/vpcs project's page on GitHub
and only choose the non-"rc" tag using this button along the left side of the project header
Back on your Lubuntu 14.04, you can type
and download it by using the wget -O command
Unzip the file that we downloaded and move into the resulting directory by typing unzip and cd vpcs-0.5b1/src command
We can directly compile VPCS by typing ./ command and copy it to /usr/local/bin by using the sudo cp vpcs /usr/local/bin command
Until now, we have successfully installed GNS3 1.3.0 and run it by typing the gns3 command.
Back on your Lubuntu 14.04, you can type
and follow it by pasting the address you copiedand download it by using the wget -O command
Unzip the file that we downloaded and move into the resulting directory by typing unzip and cd vpcs-0.5b1/src command
We can directly compile VPCS by typing ./ command and copy it to /usr/local/bin by using the sudo cp vpcs /usr/local/bin command
Until now, we have successfully installed GNS3 1.3.0 and run it by typing the gns3 command.
In the future, how to upgrade to a new version? example for gns3-gui
To find the URL to use for the clone operation, navigate to the branch or tag that we want on the project's GitHub page and then copy the clone URL on the right side
Next we can simply clone the repository by using the git clone command so that will create a new directory within your current directory.
As to the next step, please follow the above installation procedure based on each function.
So does that will overwrite your older version with the new version now.
(# 1) Due to it will not be updated version in GitHub, we can download/Install the latest VPCS from
(# 1) Due to it will not be updated version in GitHub, we can download/Install the latest VPCS from