When I restart network daemon, the screen still show error and the message is "e1000 device eth0 does not seem to be present, delaying initialization".
I check service status by "service --status-all" and find out "eth0" not up.
In this status, I wonder whether the kernel is not aware of the network card or the network module lose suddenly. So I list the hardware device by command and see the model or configuration of network card.
Finally, I find out the interesting message "udev: renamed network interface eth0 to eth1".
So I try to start network deamon on eth1 and it did exist network function and deamon can be started.
So I decide to correct some parameter on /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 as following state.
DEVICE=eth1 and HWADDR="new MAC address"
It also is successful after restarting network deamon.
Now the openfiler console never show any error message about network function.
Good lucky for me to resolve this problem!