
2014年9月7日 星期日

Microsoft Azure --- how to move the machine from one to another subnet in the same region

If the Azaure VM locates on the wrong virtual network but on the same region, whether there is a method to move this VM from bad to right Subnet?
Yes, we can do it!
To log in to Azure subscription by executing the Add-AzureAccount powershell command. if the authentication is successful, we will collect some information for the VM will be moved later.
What information do we want to get? It will be the Cloud Service Name and VM Name by using the Get-AzureVM powershell command.
So do that we will know the maz-dc-05 VM belong to the xxx02 ServiceName.
At first, we will shutdown this VM by using the Start-Azure -ServiceName “Cloud Service Name” -Name “VM Name” powershell command.
And realize the original Subnet Name is “Subnet-FrontEnd” by executing the following command.
To move a VM to another subnet by using the Start-Azure -ServiceName “Cloud Service Name” -Name “VM Name” | Set-AzureSubnet –SubnetNames “the destination Subnet Name” | Update-AzureVM powershell command
So does that the VM has already been on the “Subnet-DMZ” now.

(# 1). Move a VM or Role Instance to a Different Subnet

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