
2013年10月16日 星期三

Samba 4.x --- Install (via yum) from SerNet Samba

Although it is very simple method to install Samba by yum command, the Samba version is not the newest version so that will include some risk as security or function.ScreenShot037Whether exist any repository with the Samba up to date?
It will be good option that install from SerNet Enterprise Samba package
Register the SerNet User Manager
When we go to this Web site, it clearly tell us that need to register and login to be able to download Samba package. To click register link so that will redirect to the registration portal
At first, we have to create an account so that click Sign up link
ScreenShot001In the account form, please write down some information as username, password … on asterisk field.ScreenShot002After clicking Sign up button, a message will tell us that a confirmation link will send to the registered email address.ScreenShot003When we get this mail from the Sernet registration portal, please click the link to confirm the account email.ScreenShot004It will log in the SerNet Website and tell us that we can download files if log on by using username/password in the future. Until now, we have already finished the registered procedure.ScreenShot005Due to we will use the yum command to download the repository file on CentOS 6, please click sernet-samba-4.0.repo(yum) link to realize what is the repository template file.ScreenShot007In the Confirm page, please click OK button if we log in this Website with the right username.ScreenShot008So does that we will see what the content of the repository template is.ScreenShot012In the moment, we will switch to the /etc/yum.repos.d repository path, create a repository file as serner-samba.repo, and add some words as the template content excluding USERNAME:ACCESSKEY is replaced with the personal username:accesskey.ScreenShot013
Add SerNet RPM Repository
Due to the related packages are signed with SerNet’s gpg build key to guarantee authenticity, we have to firstly install the build key on system by using the wget http://ftp.sernet.de/pub/sernet-build-key-1.1-3.noarch.rpm (# 1) and rpm -i sernet-build-key-1.1-3.noarch.rpm commandScreenShot011Or import the key manually as follows:
To get the SerNet’s key manually by using the gpg --keyserver wwwkeys.pgp.net --recv-keys F4428B1A commandScreenShot014To export the SerNet’s RPM public key into a file that can display it on a Web page or paste it in email by using the gpg --export --armor F4428B1A > /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/sernet-pubkey commandScreenShot003To import the SerNet’s RPM public key by using the rpm --import /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/sernet-pubkey commandScreenShot005
Install the Samba Packages
After finish the above key imported, we will begin to install Sernet Samba by using the yum install –enablerepo=sernet-samba sernet-samba commandScreenShot028ScreenShot029ScreenShot030ScreenShot031If the Samba will pay a Domain Controller role, we have to install the related package by using the yum install –enablerepo=sernet-samba sernet-samba-ad commandScreenShot034ScreenShot035Now we have already installed the last Samba version then.ScreenShot003
As to How to provision the Samba into AD DS?
Please refer to the pervious post 
Samba 4.x --- Install(via tar or git) configure and provision AD DS on CentOS 6.x

Reference :
(# 1) Please remember to install this packages before use the wget command.ScreenShot010



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