At first, we have to realize whether can use all available space on the Logical Volume.
If have, we can directly grow the file system from the free space of Volume Group.
If no, we have to expand the Volume Group by adding the additional disk.
In the following lab, it will show you how to grow file system after add new disk because its operation also includes directly expand the space on LV.
To check the size of the file system to realize whether the space then needs to be extend by using df –h command
By using lvdisplay /dev/mapper/drbdVG00-drbdLV0 command, we can find out which Volume Group Name drbdVG00 contain this Logical Volume.
By using vgdisplay drbdVG00 command, we can find out whether the volume group drbdVG00 has available free space to allocate to the logical volume.
After add new disk online (# 1), we need to confirm whether the system can probe this new disk by using ls /dev/sd* command
Create Physical Volume
Due to the new disk never is partitioned, we will create the whole disk as a physical volume so that will convert this disk into a physical volume by using pvcreate /dev/sdc command.
Add Physical Volume into the existing Volume GroupAfter the physical volume is created, we need to add it to the existing volume group by using vgextend drbdVG00 /dev/sdc command.
Resize Filesystem
By using resize2fs /dev/drbdVG00/drbdLV0 command, we can resize filesystem so that logical volume will have additional space to be used now.
Reference :
(# 1) In Hyper-V 3.0 manager, we can add the SCSI virtual disk online
and choose a location value to avoid the conflict with the existing disk.