
2013年4月22日 星期一

Hyper-V 3.0 --- the prerequisite of Replica with self-signed certificate (part 9)

For configuring Hyper-V replica, we have two authentication choice: Kerberos or Certificate. If use Kerberos authentication, the data transmitted from the primary to the replica server is not encrypted. For the date to be encrypted, we will use Certificate authentication and the certificate type has X.509v3 or self-signed. In this moment, we will introduce you how to deploy Hyper-V replica with self-signed certificate.

Due to Hyper-V Replica use machine level mutual authentication, we have to do the prerequisites of the certificate except for the steps about Kerberos authentication.

Add DNS suffix on Primary & Replica Node
To use the command “NetDom computername” with parameter “/enumerate” (# 1) to realize what the computer name is.ScreenHunter_03On Primary Node
To add a new alternate by using the following command and the name must be a fully qualified DNS name (FQDN)
                  netdom computername vw-hyperv-04 /Add:vw-hyperv-04.xxx.mooo.comScreenHunter_04ScreenHunter_05To make an existing alternate name into the primary name and the name must be a fully qualified DNS name (FQDN)
          netdom computername vw-hyperv-04 /MakePrimary:vw-hyperv-04.xxx.mooo.comScreenHunter_06After reboot the system, the change will take effect and we can confirm by using the command “NetDom computername” with parameter "/enumerate” again.ScreenHunter_09The “AS-IS” status of the DNS suffixScreenHunter_02The “TO-BE” status of the DNS suffixScreenHunter_07On Replica Node
To add a new alternate by using the following command and the name must be a fully qualified DNS name (FQDN)
                    netdom computername vw-hyperv-05 /Add:vw-hyperv-05.xxx.mooo.comScreenHunter_08To make an existing alternate name into the primary name and the name must be a fully qualified DNS name (FQDN)
             netdom computername vw-hyperv-05 /MakePrimary:vw-hyperv-05.xxx.mooo.comScreenHunter_09

Open TCP 443 port on Primary & Replica NodesOn Primary Node
To enable HTTPS (port 443) replica traffic, we can run the following from an elevated command-prompt:
      netsh advfirewall firewall set rule group="Hyper-V Replica HTTPS" new enable=yesScreenHunter_11The “AS-IS” status of the firewallScreenHunter_10The “TO-BE” status of the firewallScreenHunter_12On Replica Node
To enable HTTPS (port 443) replica traffic, we can run the following from an elevated command-prompt:
           netsh advfirewall firewall set rule group="Hyper-V Replica HTTPS" new enable=yesScreenHunter_11

Create self-signed certificate on Primary & Replica Nodes
On Primary Node
For creating a self-signed root authority certificate, we can run the following from an elevated command-prompt to install a Test certificate in the root store of the local machine and be saved as a file locally.
                        makecert -pe -n “CN=PrimaryTestRootCA” -ss root -sr LocalMachine –sky signature -r “PrimaryTestRootCA.cerScreenHunter_13For creating a new Test certificate, we can run the following elevated command to install a Client and Server certificate in the Personal store of the local machine and be saved as a file locally.
                        makecert -pe -n “CN=vw-hyperv-04.xxx.mooo.com” -ss my –sr LocalMachine -sky exchange –eku, –in “PrimaryTestRootCA” -is root -ir LocalMachine -sp “Microsoft RSA SChannel Cryptographic Provider” -sy 12 PrimaryTestCert.cerScreenHunter_02On Replica Node
For creating a self-signed root authority certificate, we can run the following from an elevated command-prompt to install a Test certificate in the root store of the local machine and be saved as a file locally.
                        makecert -pe -n “CN=ReplicaTestRootCA” -ss root -sr LocalMachine –sky signature -r “ReplicaTestRootCA.cerScreenHunter_13The “AS-IS” status of the certificateScreenHunter_12The “TO-BE” status of the certificateScreenHunter_14
For creating a new Test certificate, we can run the following elevated command to install a Client and Server certificate in the Personal store of the local machine and be saved as a file locally.
                        makecert -pe -n “CN=vw-hyperv-05.xxx.mooo.com” -ss my –sr LocalMachine -sky exchange –eku, –in “ReplicaTestRootCA” -is root -ir LocalMachine -sp “Microsoft RSA SChannel Cryptographic Provider” -sy 12 ReplicaTestCert.cerScreenHunter_15The “AS-IS” status of the certificateScreenHunter_03The “TO-BE” status of the certificateScreenHunter_16
Import a self-signed root CA into each node
On Primary Node
Copy “ReplicaTestRootCA.cer” from the Replica server to the Primary server next to import self-signed Root CA by running the following command.
                                       certutil -addstore -f Root “ReplicaTestRootCA.cer”ScreenHunter_07The “AS-IS” status of the root certificateScreenHunter_06The “TO-BE” status of the root certificateScreenHunter_08
On Replica Node
Copy “PrimaryTestRootCA.cer” from the Primary server to the Replica server next to import self-signed Root CA by running the following command.
                                        certutil -addstore -f Root “PrimaryTestRootCA.cer”ScreenHunter_09
Disable CRL check on each node
Due to the self-signed certificate doesn’t support Revocation check, we have to modify the following registry key on each node for disabling the CRL check and reboot it.
                         reg add “HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Virtualization\Replication” /v  DisableCertRevocationCheck /d 1 /t REG_DWORD /fScreenHunter_11The “AS-IS” status of the registry keyScreenHunter_10The “TO-BE” status of the registry keyScreenHunter_12
Validate certificate on each node
We can run the following command to realize whether this certificate validates on primary & replica server such as “Encryption test passed.
                                                                    certutil –store my
Until now, we have already prepared the related prerequisite for certificate implement. In next article, we will begin to enable replication by using certificate based authentication.

Reference :
(# 1)  The command “NetDom computername” is that manage the primary or alternate name for one Computer. A syntax is "NetDom computername Computer /enumerate[:{ALTERNATENAMES | PRIMARYNAME | ALLNAMES}]”
           Parameters: /enumerate
           ALTERNATENAMES     Lists the alternate names only.
           PRIMARYNAME            Lists the primary name only.
           ALLNAMES                     Lists the primary and any alternate names. This is the default.
(# 2) About where to get Makecert.exe, we can download/install Windows SDK for Windows 7 on Windows 7 from MicrosoftScreenHunter_14        and find it on  Microsoft sdks directory “C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.xA\Bin\makecert.exe”ScreenHunter_15         or directly download it from http://www.inventec.ch/chdh/notes/makecert_5_131_3790_0.zip
         When got this file, please Copy this File (makecert.exe) to C:\Windows\System32 or C:\Windows\sysWOW64 depending on the OS.
        If want to realize this command in detail, please refer to Makecert.exe (Certificate Creation Tool)

<<<   Hyper-V 3.0 --- Create VM that its virtual hard disk (VHDX) with parent-child relationship (part 8)



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